Lady’s Computer: MY computer over YOUR internets

Lady’s Weblog

Hello, world!


Published: .

Hey! Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy it here!

This blog aims to cover topics pertaining to me (Lady), this website (Lady’s Computer), and independent web {publishing ∣ technologies} in general.

At the time of writing, the following subdomains have been set up :⁠—

Infrastructurally, this website is hosted on a little bitty Linode®Akamai® Nanode™ running Ubuntu and Caddy. There’s nothing fancy going on with this blog; it is built with Bjørn and then manually pushed to the server using rsync. I’ve a short Makefile which helps to make sure I do it right.

You can follow along via Atom by pointing your feed reader at /feed.atom. If you don’t already have a feed reader, I use NetNewsWire on macOS and iOS.